Tuesday, December 28, 2010

it's geje time :p

Having long weekend doesn't mean that I'm happy full of those days. Some plans I made were failed cuz of the unfriendly weather (rain all the day,,unpredictable). Hufttt... finally I spent my days just stay at home by watching movies, dating with my beloved laptop (taking some "geje" poses at the cam), and helping my father with his damn chickens (aarrggghhh....actually it's so annoying to feed the chickens).
Hufftt...these are the result of my geje activity in front of the cam when I was trying to wear some hijab styles

See?? It's only one colour hijab,,,Yeahh..next time I will try for my other hijab (in another geje time,,haha)

Monday, December 27, 2010


I am just a normal person
Like normal people who smile easily everyday
Like normal people who always be happy even without money
Like normal people who feel pain and raise again quickly
Like normal people who cry for hours after watching dramatic movie
Like normal people who can’t go anywhere cuz limitation of parents
Like normal people who like starring at sparkling of the park lamps
Like normal people who spend some hours by travelling around the city alone and finally get lost
Like normal people who are so afraid of cats
Like normal people who always think to escape from home just for a day
Like normal people who are desperate when looking for the right man
Like normal people who dress awkwardly
Like normal people who write this stupid note
And from most of the definitions above, it is definitely not normal
Yes, it’s dork!
So, I’m a dork
And so is everyone
That’s why I don’t wanna be normal
I love the way I am

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anyone Else, But You

**Taken from OST of Juno movie**

(Michael Cera And Ellen Page)

You're part time lover and a full time friend,
The monkey on the back is the latest trend,
Don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you

Here is a church and here is a steeple,
We sure are cute for two ugly people,
Don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you

We both have shiny happy fits of rage,
I want more fans, you want more stage,
Don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you

I'm always tryin to keep it real,
Now I'm in love with how you feel,
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you

I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train,
I kiss you all starry eyed,
My body swings from side to side,

I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you

The pebbles forgive me,
The trees forgive me,
So why can't,
You forgive me?

I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you

Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,

^^Sounds like grumbling,huh? But I like this song.^^

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pray for Indonesia

Banyak bencana di negeri ini,,
Ini semua bukan salah alam, bukan salah mereka yang terkena bencana, ini adalah tanggungjawab kita bersama
Ini merupakan peringatan agar kita tetap peduli dengan sesama, serta menjaga keharmonisan hidup dengan alam

Dekatkan diri dengan Tuhan, kuatkan iman, Pray for Indonesia...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

rest in peace..

Setelah 13 hari di ruang perawatan rmh sakit, akhirnya Kamis kemarin (7 Okt 2010) pukul 02.00 uti (eyang) dipanggil Allah SWT.
Tidak ada lagi hari-hari menunggu uti di rumah sakit, tidak ada lagi malam-malam begadang di rumah sakit, tidak ada lagi sosok yang duduk di kursi roda di kamar, we love you uti..
Semoga uti mendapat tempat yang tenang di sisi Allah. Amien..

**sketsa dibuat oleh sepupu waktu uti masih hidup

Friday, September 10, 2010


Selamat lebaran,,maafin semua salah aku ya teman-teman...

Semoga kita semua kembali suci di bulan yang fitri ini,,
met lebaran,,met kumpul ma keluarga,,met makan2,,hehe...
(tambah gendut di bulan syawal tu wajib kok :p)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gowes to kraton

Ini sebenere sudah lama,,sekitar beberapa bulan yg lalu. Berhubung saya sedang jauh dr teman2, untuk mengobati kangen jadi ya sedikit nyampah foto2 deh,,hehe...

suasana di dalam kraton,,hmm...sejuknya..

Museum HB IX di dalam kraton

iki opo sih critane

rupamu cah,,hohoo...

wuezz,,,dah kayak girlsband,,,ainoyusowel,,,,wkakakkak...

drpd berebut lelaki,,mari berebut tiang lampu

rajelas iki

tolak bala

Sunday, July 4, 2010

udah kangeenn :(

kita muda dan gila (location: Depok Beach)

pengen lagi dan lagi (location: Depok Beach)

panggil lelaki yg di tengah itu dg nama Sam alias Samidi (location: Depok Beach,,2009?!!)

bagus fotonya,,cuz kagak kliatan wajah2nya,,hoho.. (location: Tamansari Watercastle)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

FKY (Yogyakarta Art Festival)

FKY 2010 is just started. The event will be held during June 7 - July 7. As a great annual event, here you can find soooo many specialties of Jogja. The suitable theme for this beautiful city, “Yogyakarta Memang Istimewa (Yogyakarta is Truly Special)”, is really aimed to show to the visitors that Jogja is an unforgettable place to visit.

So, don't think twice. Visit Jogja now. Spend your holiday in this lovely city. Your visit will be welcomed warmly :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

the boy who never... by Landon Pigg

The strongest structures ever built are the ones that don't get built at all.
The kinda bricks that don't get laid are the only kind that never fall.

He taught himself how not to lose
By never really trying to win
That's how the man in front of you became
The boy who never

I'm afraid of what might happen if together we build a wall.
Cause the only kinda love that never gets built is the only kinda love that never falls.

So I forfeit future tears of joy
To save us both from pain
I could kiss you now, but I'd only miss you more
When I walk away
When I walk away

I never let my heart speak through my lips
I'll never let my hands rest on your hips
I never said I love you, but the heart never lies
I know you heard me say it when I said it with my eyes

So I forfeit future tears of joy
To save us both from pain
I could kiss you now, but I'd only miss you more
He taught himself how not to lose
By never really trying to win
That's how the man in front of you became
The boy who never
The Boy Who Never.

I love that song, especially the lyrics.
I play this song every minute when I miss him,,every minute when I spell his name,,every minute when I realize that I can't touch him,, every minute when I realize that we can't build a wall together,,
But, "the only kinda love that never gets built is the only kinda love that never falls"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

waiting for......

Aku pun memilih diam duduk disini
Aku tak mau berlari lagi, karena aku tahu jatuh itu sakit
Aku tak mau berjalan lagi, karena aku tak tahu di mana arah
Dan aku pun memilih duduk disini

Biarlah engkau yang mencari
Aku percaya kau lebih bisa
Aku percaya kau lebih punya daya
Hanya berharap, semoga kau mengenaliku, bukan yang lain, aku disini

Namun apa daya bila kau pun memilih diam dan duduk
Sama sepertiku, menunggu
Hanya menunggu campur tangan Dia
Dan akhirnya harapan pun semakin tak ada tanpa usaha

Sampai, akhirnya kita sadari,
Meski kita hanya saling duduk diam, menunggu
Ternyata kau yang berada di sampingku
Sudah sekian lama kau di situ,
Sekian lama saling diam, hanya karena aku terlalu takut untuk menoleh
Betapa memang semua telah digariskan…

Sunday, March 7, 2010

bantul yuso gunadarma vs jakarta BNI 46

Yuhuuu......untungnya kmaren gak ujan,,cuaca sehat2 saja dan sangat bersahabat.
Dan akhirnya pun aku nonton proliga di gor Pangukan, sleman. Bersama kedua adek sepupu, melajulah kami menerjang jalanan yang macet, panas, dan jauh (halah lebay).

Sebenere awalnya agak bingung jalan menuju itu gor, tapi dengan bekal lupa2 ingat, maka sampailah ketiga glandhangan itu. Di depan gor, nelfonin babe berkali-kali karena gak diangkat-angkat,, trus sekalinya bisa, langsung deh qta masuk ke dalem gor. Sekedar info, harga tiket pas dari parkiran qta ditawarin ma calo2 tiket bwat bayar tiket satu 40rbu,,busett dah. Parkirnya aja dah 3rbu, marai kere tenan.

Pertandingan pertama yaitu regu putri jakarta Popsivo Polwan vs jakarta electric yang hasilnya dimenangkan oleh jakarta electric 3-1.

Trus yang pertandingan ke-2 ini nih yang aku tunggu,, Bantul Yuso Gunadarma vs Jakarta BNI 46. Di awal set pertama, tim bantul yuso agak ketinggalan, tapi akhirnya dapat mengejar, meskipun pada akhir set pertama dimenangkan oleh tim jkt BNI. Di set ke-2, kemenangan berbalik di kubu tim bantul Yuso. Makin seru pertandingan ditambahi dengan teriakan dari para suporter, baik itu suporter asli Jogja yang mendukung tim Jogja atawpun supporter sewaan yang membela tim lawan. Di set ke-3, kembali lagi kemenangan berputar, dimenangkan oleh tim jkt BNI. Di set ke-4, tim bantul Yuso membalasnya. Nha, di set ke-5 set penentuan ini nih yang makin seru. Di awal set, tim bantul Yuso lumayan jauh ketinggalan, dan suporter Jogja pun cuma bisa diam n pasrah. Begitu di tengah-tengah pertandingan, semangat dari tim tuan rumah bangkit lagi, para penonton pun makin riuh menyemangati tim tuan rumah. Dan alhasil di set penentuan itu tim tuan rumah lah yang menang. Hehehehe,,aku juga ikutan tereak2 sepuas2nya,,hohoho...Bravo tim Bantul Yuso Gunadarma!!(note: sampai detik ini aku lum taw "gunadarma" tu nama kampus dimana to??ntar deh gugling)

warming up

tim Bantul Yuso Gunadarma

penonton yang memadati gor

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Berhubung kemaren ada yang nanyain ttg jadwal PROLIGA SAMPOERNA HIJAU 2010,,dan tadi babe baru aja nyuruh aku ngetikin jadwal bwat panduan SRC besok,,ni aq upload jadwal PROLIGA bwat minggu ini yang bakal berlangsung di Jogja. Yang putaran pertama minggu kemaren dah berlangsung di Solo (huh,,babe gak maw mengajakquw kmaren, padahal aq pas liburan hari itu). Ni jadwal bwat minggu ini, tgl 5 - 7 Maret di GOR PANGUKAN, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Jumat, 5 Maret 2010

Sabtu, 6 maret 2010

Minggu, 7 Maret 2010
jam 17.00: JKT BNI 46 VS JKT TNI AU (PUTRI)

Yup,,itu jadwal bwat besok pas di Jogja. Hmmm...aq tidak akan melewatkannya,, Rencana besok maw nonton pas tim BYG maen wae ah, Jumat n Sabtu (sendiri pun aku jalani, moga gak kesasar, paling nggak pas nyampe di Gor dah ada babe yang bakal nyariin tempat). Siapin stamina bwat tereak2, kayaknya pas banget bwat melampiaskan rasa lelah di hati, meski hanya semu...
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