Wednesday, March 28, 2012

my handmade >> Flanel Tissue Box

Udah lama sebenernya ni handmade happening,,dan aku juga udah lumayan lama belajar bikin kreasi dari flanel (sekitar awal kuliah). Ada beberapa gantungan kunci, bros, atau sekedar hiasan-hiasan kecil yang sekarang udah entah kemana rimbanya (tiba-tiba pada ngilang diambilin sepupu-sepupu yg masih kecil-kecil itu,,heuuu...).

Gampang-gampang susah sih sebenernya membuat kreasi flanel itu, udah banyak juga tutorialnya di berbagai blog. Kalo aku sih moody banget bikin ginian. Kalo lagi pengen buat ya bisa betah banget seharian cuma berkutat dengan kain flanel, jarum, benang, dan dakron. Tapi kalo lagi males dan gak minat ya gak bakalan kesentuh deh itu perlengkapan untuk sekian lamanya,,haha...

Jujur terakhir nyentuh kain flanel tuh pas bulan puasa kemarin. Ceritanya pas waktu itu bingung udah mo deket lebaran. Ngelihat kain flanel yg terabaikan, yasudah jd pengen bikin bungkus kotak tisu dari hiasan kain flanel. Berkutatlah sehari bikin ni flanel tissue box. Pertama kalinya bikin yg versi kotak tisu ni,,hehe..masih acak adut jadinya.

yahhh...meskipun menurutku itu masih belum sukses hasilnya, tapi telah berhasil membuat anak-anak kecil mupeng ama stobelinya,,,hahaha....(padahal itu stroberi yg di tengah totally acak adut karena baru bikin pertama alhasil jadinya kayak cherry jumbo berbiji,,haha..). Buat sepupu-sepupu anak-anak kecil yg pengen, kemarin sempet aku bikinin banyak gantungan stroberi,,

Trus mo kapan lagi ya ini bikin sesuatu dr flanel,,kasihan tu flanel dianggurin,,wkwk...

Friday, March 23, 2012

colorful-futuristic (The Hunger Games wardrobe)

Sitting in the dark theatre, staring at the big screen, watching 24 teenagers kill each other >>> what a cruel crazy world!!

Yesterday I watched The Hunger Games movie with my partner in love (ihirrrrr......, unfortunately she's a girl :D <<< penonton kecewa,,haha…). Perhaps, some of you have read the novel before watching this movie. But for me, I admit that I have no idea about the story before entering the theatre. I didn’t even know what kind of movie it was when my friend asked me to watch it. Besides the story, I was interested about the wardrobe or the costume. Talking about futuristic setting, the first thing on my mind was one word: “simple”. Being simple is not only related to the tools in daily life, but also the outfits. On my mind, the simple-futuristic outfits were dark and silver minimalist styles. But,,,this movie gave me kinda shockin idea which changed my perception about future outlooks,lol. Here below are some picts why I said so. (I've just picked them up from googlin)

"girl on fire" (so hotttt)

I love her boots (and jacket)

may the odds be ever in your favor

See?My fav costume is the 'girl on fire' costume (and of course her hunting costume). How about the colorful costumes??,mmmm....,I should think twice to wear those outfits cuz I dont wanna seem like a dumb-weird-colorful clown,,rrrr...Overall,the costumes are fabulous,,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Good morning guys! Let's start this day with a bucket full of smiles!
It seems like I'm motivatin myself to fulfill my to-do list today. Hope this day will be more colorful, so I can fill it up happily, as always.
And here below is a nice thing I've found from other blog. I feel like being alarmed by this pin. Wish you'll be motivated too. Just read it and you'll say,"omg, that's so true!"

Monday, March 19, 2012

icebreaker (gabusan fair & Proliga 2012)

hola, please have a seat and enjoy reading this page. Wish you get such fun things to do after you accomplish your killing duties this week. Why is so serious mamenn??!!

Memang tidak seberat mendaki gunung mengarungi lautan sih dalam menjalani aktivitas seminggu kemarin, cuman ya...rasanya kok terus seperti haus sekali hiburan seminggu kemarin itu. Mumpung weekend, mencobalah saya secara dadakan memberdayakan waktu nganggur to find some icebreakers (sounds that my brain has frozen).


It's a beautiful nite, we're looking for something dumb to do,,seperti lirik itu,pas malem minggu trus pengen cari2 hiburan,agak childish sih,tp ya...usia boleh menipu,,kedewasaan nol,,haha...

Dan begitulah akhirnya, dadakan ngajakin sepupu buat ke pasar malem gabusan (gabusan fair), berhedonislah saya = parkir 2000, eskrim 4000, pong2an (hah??!!) 3000, es teh 2000,,waka waka waka e e e..

Setelah berhedonis terus lanjut deh poti2 sana sini,,

ni anak maem es krim belepotan banget sih,,ckckck...

milih-milih pong2an,,hadehh...warna warni lucu yak

back to the past, masa kecil kurang bahagia


paling suka ma yg beginian,hehe..

dan pulang2 trus capekkk dengkulku,tidur deh dengan pulasss.... zzzz...zzzz...zz..


Aye! It's time to watch the battle,,go go yuso go,,
Dari Jumat kemarin, Jogja jd tuan rumah Proliga 2012,,and I didn't miss that match, terutama pas yuso yang main,hoho..

Dengan modal ngikut babe, saya pun nonton dari jam 3 sore mpe jam 8 malem. It was sooo refreshing guys,,yelling, screaming, and staring (at mas rivi,rudi,yg begitu2 lah pokoknya,my fav players gituu, aheee...)

jakarta sananta sedang pemanasan (nomer 15 saposeeee??)

Jogja Yuso Gunadarma vs Jakarta Sananta (di lini depan yuso terlihat ada Oki, Anto, Huda)

Yuso menang 3-0

babe lg tugas

Begitulah... <<< ending ngirit

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

projects of this month

I have been thinking to make a new blog which focuses on teaching and everything about children. I don't know why I wanna make that, but first, it's because I wanna have kinda a diary about my teaching activities at school, my interest in children's world, teaching media, and anything that is related to that wonderful world. Haaahhhhh...can't wait to make it. The second reason is because I have seen so many fab blogs about that by natives (ESL),,so why don't I make one which focus on teaching EFL?

However, I'm a little bit busy this week. so at least next month I have to make and launch that blog,,lol,,

And here we go,,besides the content, Im also thinking about the name of the blog, it should be a catchy brand,huh? Do you have any suggestions about that?
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