Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

"The Art of Getting By" Movie (Soundtrack List)

Film indie ini cukup menarik, bercerita tentang seorang siswa yang introvert, malas mengerjakan tugas, sehingga sering mendapatkan teguran dari guru maupun kepala sekolahnya (Ouch, that was so me teens). Diperankan oleh Freddie Highmore (the august rush) dan Emma Roberts. Pada awalnya, film ini ditayangkan dengan judul Homework pada Sundance Film Festival 2011 (FYI,Sundance film festival merupakan suatu festival film bergengsi di AS).

Anyway, besides the story that shows the life of a misanthrope-cute-slacker, I also really enjoy the music. We can say that too much indie here. The soundtrack list below are so d*mn cool.

Berikut daftar lagu dari album soundtrack film The Art of Getting By :

1. We Will Become Silhouettes - The Shins
2. We Drink on the Job - Earlimart
3. Sally’s Theme - Alex Puro
4. Sleep the Clock Around - Mates of State
5. This Momentary - Delphic
6. Christmas Break - Alec Puro
7. Winter Lady - Leonard Cohen
8. The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
9. Sally’s Bedroom - Alec Puro
10. Spitting Fire - The Boxer Rebellion
11. Here - Pavement
12. The Trial of the Century - French Kicks

Dengan didukung musik yang bagus, ni film menjadi tidak hanya sekedar film anak remaja sekolahan pada umumnya yang biasa saja (even the tweens can enjoy this movie,lol). Dari 12 lagu di atas, yang paling aku suka tentu karyanya Alec Puro, but the others, such as French Kicks and Pavement, are still cool anyway. Selamat menonton, selamat menikmati musiknya.

:::Here below are some quotes taken from the movie:::

“I’m kind of a misanthrope. Not out of choice, just a fact.”
— Freddie Highmore as George (The Art of Getting By)

“There are so many other important things to think about that homework really seems like an afterthought.”
— Freddie Highmore as George (The Art of Getting By)

The conversation below is between George and his teacher when she asks George to submit his homework.

- Teacher: Do you have your work George?
>>>George: No.
- Teacher: Why not?
>>>George: I was... depressed.
- Teacher: Oh, yes? Why was that?
>>>George: Because, uh... I realized I'm gonna die one day.
- Teacher: We're all gonna die one day, George. I don't think that's a reasonable excuse for not completing your trigonometry exercise.
>>>George: I... I was trying to. I just couldn't shake this awareness of my mortality. Everything seemed meaningless...including the assignment, unfortunately.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Final BSI Proliga 2012

Akhirnya dari 15 tim (baik itu tim lama ataupun tim yg baru muncul musim ini), kompetisi Proliga 2012 kini tinggal 2 tim putra dan 2 tim putri yang tersisa di laga final. Di kubu putra, tim Semarang Bank Jateng (baru 2x ikutan proliga)akan bertemu tim Jakarta BNI 46. Sedangkan di kubu putri, tim Jakarta Popsivo Polwan akan menghadapi tim Jakarta Electric PLN (juara bertahan).

Dari awal kompetisi sih aku gak begitu mengikuti banget ya, paling cuma nyimak review hasil pertandingan dari berbagai media online ataupun denger cerita babe kalo udah pulang dari tugas (secara proliga tahun ini diadakan di 11 kota berbeda, yg paling bisa keakses nonton ya cuma yang di Jogja --"). Siaran langsung di tv pun gak dimulai dari awal kompetisi, cuma mulai perempat final aja ni kompetisi dengan sponsor baru yang berbeda (bukan rokok lagi lho yaa) baru ditayangkan live di tvone.

Berhubung udah sampe partai final, dan dikarenakan finalnya di jakarta, tepatnya di Istora Senayan (gak di jogja maksudnya), dan karena babe gak ngebolehin kalo aku ikut, jadi yasudahlah, mantengin tipi aja besok minggu (20 Mei 2012) siang jam 1.

Menurut aku sih yang di sektor putri, tim Jakarta Electric PLN akan tetap jadi juara bertahan, meskipun di musim ini bnyak yg mengunggulkan tim Jakarta Popsivo Polwan sebagai pemenang untuk membalas kekalahan partai final musim lalu. Sedangkan di sektor putra, Jakarta BNI 46 kayaknya punya peluang lebih besar. Bermain di kandang sendiri dengan pengalaman tim yang lebih matang kemungkinan akan membawa Rudi Tirtana dkk memenangkan proliga musim ini. Tapi tentu saja harus melalui perlawanan sengit dari Miko dkk (yap, miko ini adalah mantan pemain Yuso yg sekarang beralih membela Bank Jateng). However, let's see the match tomorrow to find out the winner.

Monday, May 14, 2012

hello strangers

My mom told me not to trust strangers.

Strangers are persons who don't know your life so well.
Strangers are persons who just say hello, and suddenly dissapear.
Strangers are persons who can't treat you well.
If you trust them; consequently, you will pay the bill. Just be ready to feel the pain.

For you strangers, I won't let you enter my life unless you know me well.
Trust me first; then, I'll trust you. It's fair. I just try to run the rule. Cuz I dont wanna feel the pain anymore. Cuz I don't wanna waste my time anymore to trust strangers.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Avengers

Done watchin the incredible hulk, the cute captain, the sexy playboy stark, and the handsome hammer thor in one awesome movie!!

Yup benar!! The Avengers.
Setelah mengantri diantrikan oleh si wulan dan cumi selama 2 jam, kemarin akhirnya jadilah kami nonton film yg udah ditunggu2,,hoho...

Meski gak kebagian nonton yg 3D gara2 tiket abis, tp tetep sangat memuaskan nonton ni muvi versi 2D (sama aja sih bgusnya kata temenku yg udh nnton 3D) slama 2jam lebih,,so worth it.

Scene yg paling saya tunggu selama filmnya yaitu pas dr.banner turns into hulk,,
nungguin dy ngamuk itu serasa....serasa...serasa...ya gitu lah **ngeekk..

Kalo gak bisa fokus nyimak critanya sih wajar ya,,ehm..cuz there r too many distractions dari wajah2 para heroes itu sih ya,,haha..

here are some points we can learn after watching staring at them:

hulk >> mengontrol emosi atau rasa marah sangat penting,,dan mengelolanya secara tepat sehingga bermanfaat,,haha..when friends need our helps,when the time calls,the 'other guy' should come out and show the power.

captain america >> 'captain' atau leader memang tidak seharusnya menang sendiri, dan dia membuktikannya sebagai pemersatu the avengers ketika mereka mulai bertarung gak jelas satu sama lain.

thor >>(first, I should admit that chris hemsworth and his brother, liam in 'hunger games', are both extremely distracting my focus during the movie,lol). Disini, Thor sebagai sodaranya Loki, dia menunjukkan betapa keluarga itu nomor satu,, Terlihat dr usahanya menyadarkan loki, dan dr endingnya yg mereka bersama balik lg ke asgard,, He really shows us the importance of family.

stark, the ironman >> sebagai karakter yg sangat egois, stark akhirnya dapat membuktikan bahwa dia dpt mengesampingkan egonya dan mau bekerjasama dg yg lain as the A team.

Black Widow n Hawkeye >> balas budi,,yup,,thats the point. Meski hawkeye sudah beralih pengaruh, tp BW tetep aja pengen Hawkeye kembali seperti semula krn faktor balas budi dr masalalu (or maybe we can call it as the romance factor?).

dan tidak lupa, agent phill >> Pengorbanan dia merupakan motivasi utk para heroes bersatu,,**meski agak dibikin lebay sama si Fury sih ya

Overall, I give an A for the A(vengers) movie.

They look so cute (even the sleeping hulk), don't they?

Stark : Do u have a costume?
Hulk : I have my pants

Stark : Let me give u a ride to the rooftop legolas.
Hawkeye: Thx optimus prime.

kalo nnton musti smpe kelar ending creditsnya ya,,masih ada scene lanjutan kemunculan Thanos.
di akhir credits kedua jg ada scene para avengers sedang makan sawharma (tapi ternyata cuma tayang di bioskop US,,di indo gak ada scene ini)

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